@RBG_illustrations That's nice of you. When the project is done I will ask you to send me your personal email address and that's the only way I will send codes to everyone.
@khconector if you follow my external page links, e.g. Facebook, Instagram or go to my website and private message me through those it would be better to send anything privately that way.
you wouldn't want to send me codes through the comment section for everyone else to see
@khconector honestly it's really nice of you to be so upfront and honest about using the models I have created in your game.
I would absolutely be honoured to be able to playtest the game. if you are willing to send those codes I'm happy to accept them, however, don't feel like you have to. otherwise, feel free to let me know when you have published that game
Hi there! I'm an indie game developer and working on my first game since 2015. I downloaded one or some of your Available models for my game. BTW I may not use it at all but I will mention the name of the creator and the source of all downloaded assets that I downloaded for my project. If you are not happy to be mention in the credits list (if your model is not used) pls let me know to edit my list in the game. Thanks for everything...
Thanks a lot
these are actually really good. and unwrapped properly for wind shaders in unity. nice. thank you. best results so far.
Thank u!
Perfect! Thank you for sharing
@RBG_illustrations That's nice of you. When the project is done I will ask you to send me your personal email address and that's the only way I will send codes to everyone.
@khconector if you follow my external page links, e.g. Facebook, Instagram or go to my website and private message me through those it would be better to send anything privately that way.
you wouldn't want to send me codes through the comment section for everyone else to see
@khconector honestly it's really nice of you to be so upfront and honest about using the models I have created in your game.
I would absolutely be honoured to be able to playtest the game. if you are willing to send those codes I'm happy to accept them, however, don't feel like you have to. otherwise, feel free to let me know when you have published that game
I really appreciate this thank you
I messaged you a while ago about downloading yours available models. Here is the game I'm working on and you gonna see your models in it!
when it's done I will send you a code for testing the game and a code for downloading the game for free if you mind!
Leave a comment under the game page in "ITCH" if you have any suggestions.
Have a good time
@khconector you are more than welcome to use my assets, being mentioned in the credits would be much appreciated. thank you for letting me know.
Hi there! I'm an indie game developer and working on my first game since 2015. I downloaded one or some of your Available models for my game. BTW I may not use it at all but I will mention the name of the creator and the source of all downloaded assets that I downloaded for my project. If you are not happy to be mention in the credits list (if your model is not used) pls let me know to edit my list in the game. Thanks for everything...