Greek, hand-vase clasping a lekythos3D Model
Culture: Greek Material: Ceramic Dims: H 9.5cm Accession No: HCM 233 Current Location: The Hunt Museum Limerick This fourth or fifth-century vase originates in a group known as ‘plastic vases’, including human figures, body parts, animals and birds. A hand clasps a lekythos, the mouth, neck and part of the body are visible. The whiteness and daintiness of the worn hand indicate a woman. The thumb is over the first two fingers and there is a gap between the small and third fingers. The hand vase rests on an oval base. This personal object was for use by a woman or in a her grave. It possibly contained perfumed oil. Many like this come from eastern Greece, particularly Rhodes, but also Corinth, Athens and the south Italian Greek colonies. More.
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