Triangles: 565.7k
Vertices: 282.9k
More model informationGrowl has many different meanings such as anger, warning, hunger, and aggression. This piece symbolizes body dysmorphia and the distorted image we sometimes see of ourselves. It challenges body ideals by having strawberry skin, banana fingers, as well as a leaf hand to show that body shapes should be celebrated rather than stuck in a constricting category. I am hungry for a more accepting society.
Apr 15th 2021
- body
- fruit
- banana
- humor
- growl
- deformed
- distortion
- fixed
- woman
- hunger
- concerned
- strawberry
- stomach
- distorted
- imaginary
- warped
- anxiety
- fixation
- merged
- obsession
- interference
- delusion
- merge
- bodydysmorphia
- mentalillness
- appearance
- defect
- unhappy
- female
- mentalhealth
- excessive
- humorous
- growling
- flawed
- mentalhealthdisorder
- bodyimage
- concern
- dysmorphophobia
- defective
- imaginarydefects
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1 comment
Bread hero!!!!!!! Ya!1