Hand Painted Old Books Geometry Nodes3D ModelNoAI
Low poly and hand painted 5 different types of old books.
This is an example generated by geometry nodes, the file you download in sketchfab will be of a applied modifier. You can download the blend file containing the modifier, each individual book and the textures from this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12PQ_57F2OrnlvTLIH2YGMTLIWZvGjK3r?usp=sharing
The video showcasing the use is in the folder and in my artstation post: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vDbW9x
This is in no way a perfect generator, you might have to edit the position of vertices if there are clipping between the books. But overalll, they are low poly and makes it easy to generate random books in shelves etc. Hope you like it!
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution