Created in 1965 by Imagineering Legends Marty Sklar and Dorothea Redmond, this fun sign was the first introduction for many people to the Haunted Mansion. During this time, the main theme of the Haunted Mansion was in constant revision and controversy, specifically whether it be a “funny” ride or a “scary one. Eventually, the decision was made to make a good balance between the two, and Marty Sklar’s concept, which he showcased in this sign, became the premise for the ride, a tour of a lovely retirement home, post death of course.
There are some changes from the original blueprints, specifically the original lamppost was mostly hollow. In addition, I tried making the ornamental features of the lampost look almost like a rolly crump drawing brought to life, though it came out looking more similar to Tim Burton’s work. I decided to keep it as it gave more of an eerie vibe to the post. I also added rust and damage to simulate age as well as make it a little more creepy. Enjoy!
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