Head from an image of Vishnu, Early 9th CE3D Model
Head from an image of Vishnu, Early 9th CE, now in the collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
From the object’s description on artsmia.org:
This powerfully carved head reflects the concept of the God-King (Deva-Raja), a system of statecraft that originated in India but was taken to new heights during the Khmer Empire (802–1437 CE). Despite being consecrated under the protection of the Hindu deity Shiva, the Khmer identified most closely with Vishnu, preserver of universal order…In a fragment such as this, which is missing bodily attributes such as multiple arms, it is difficult to distinguish between divine human and god. In keeping with the period’s style, crisply detailed hair frames a face of steely perfection, with a detached yet eternal smile and an inner benevolence radiating from faintly chiseled eyes.
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