Head of Hades Bust3D Model
Description: This bust depicts a male head characterized by a voluminous beard and thick hairstyle; hair consists of hand-worked, thick, spiraling curls that were applied before firing. Other characteristics include: narrow eyebrow ridges that lead to a sharp, long nose; incised eyes with dark outlines around the outer corners, emphasizing the pointed almond shape; low forehead due to the volume of hair; and full, slightly parted lips. Made of terracotta; missing patch of hair on back of head; polychrome pigment added after firing process visible. Pigments include: blue (on beard, likely Egyptian blue); reddish-brown (hair); pink (skintone, seen on face). The figure has been attributed to Hades from Greek mythology.
Date: 400-300 BCE
Measurements (m): H: 26.7 W 20.4
References: Malcolm, Bell. The Terracottas. Vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.
This model was created using digital photogrammetry at the Museo di Aidone in Sicily, Italy and was created using 489 images in RealityCapture.