Egyptian, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 5, reign of Neferirkare Kakai, about 2446–2438 BCE
From Giza, tomb of of Rawer, G 8988, found in 1886
H. 130 cm
The tomb of Rawer yielded an unprecedented number of statues (their original number can be estimated at about 100). This life-size limestone statue of Rawer, is inscribed with the titles “keeper of the diadem, elder of the great shipyard, royal hairdresser,” and was found in the back of the second chamber of eastern passage in his tomb at Giza.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo, CG 197; SR S/14980
Created with Polycam and iPhone 16 by Peter Der Manuelian, February 15, 2024, with additional editing by Sophia Seitz-Shewmon
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