Triangles: 39k
Vertices: 22.3k
More model informationThis is a sci fi sentry turret that mounts to walls and ceilings. It is designed to be an industrial grade auto sentry defence platform. It has the rate of fire and the large calibre to turn any wannabe intruder into a pin cushion within a matter of seconds. length: 9.3m Height: 4.2m Width: 6.5m Base Diameter: 6.5m / 3.25r Purchase here -link removed-
May 23rd 2017
@Cherine all my models are available again for purchase. Please excuse the delay
Is this still available for purchase?
Excuse me McCarthy, the normal details you have in this type of inorganic models. Do you do them on High and then bake into Low or you do it directly painting the details on substance or something like that.?
Thank you very much
У вас отличные модели)
Nice model !
Letting you know this was featured in 3dtotal's Sketchfab Art Collection. Congrats!
Great work. Staff picked.
@joshuawatt811 not sure if it was intentional, but during the animation part of the models is out of view.
Thanks for all the feedback. As for the animation, i didn't feel like the animation was quite up to standard to be featured.
Is there any reason why you don't have it show the animation by default?
Awesome job, by the way. Looks great :)
Fantastic details! Great job :)
Amazing work! Love your attention to detail.
Really nice!