Triangles: 12.6k
Vertices: 7.5k
More model informationFinally done… My favorite hero :D
This is not original model, mesh modeled from plane, in Blender, based on screenshots of original mesh with orto cam
CC Attribution-NonCommercialCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Jul 19th 2019
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
what a cool creature
This was crazy awesome!!!
@jaromir.ternavskiy Thanks ;)
Oh my. This is so awesome and even brutal. Like in original game.
this is amazing
pretty cool could have more details
Doom 3 is nice
so cooool amazing work
Amazing work!
wow amazing
@crwpw oh ok
@gaelrabelo I just wanted to support mentally :-B
no wonder why he keeps liking my models
damn! your work is amazing!!
@EdmundJennings нууу всё это было очень давно) я был молод и глуп :D
Awesome I have a YouTube channel it's called MrloneWolf
Сурьёзный мужик)))
So nice, but have you tried smothing the model? I think it would look awesome with a quick smooth bin blender
This is awesome!!!
can you make godzilla for me
Oh, I was wondering, not recently, what this demon was called