Totally fictional gun manufactured under equally fictional Hemminger brand. On first look it could resemble revolver, but this is actually an semi-automatic pistol with cylindrical magazine!
Classic revolver look combined with modern recoil mechanism - a futuristic weapon You can rely on in Your journey through upcoming brand-new XX Century!
Model comes with two sets of textures: for Gun (Base color, Roughness, Normal, Metallic and Specular Map, all in 4K) and for 7,63x25mm cartridge (Base color, metallic, rougness, normal, all in 1K)
Desing is based on “Handmade Auto-Revolver” featured in Forgotten Weapons: The main thought was to make this astonishing concept of unknown origin into something more suitable for mass production - make it smaller and less bulky with finish and materials inspired by early Bergmann pistols.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution