Central grave chamber in the large tumulus of Eberdingen-Hochdorf.
The monumental burial mound of Hochdorf contained a double-grave chamber constructed of wood. Buried inside was a member of the elite of the Late Hallstatt period. The man, who died around 530 BC, is known as the “Keltenfürst von Hochdorf” because of the extremely rich grave goods he was buried with. To learn more about the excavation and the grave goods follow this download link
Era | Epoche: Early Iron Age | Frühe Eisenzeit
Dating | Datierung: ca. 530 BC | um 530 v. Chr.
Location | Fundort: Eberdingen-Hochdorf, Lkr. Ludwigsburg
Other/Links | Sonstiges/Links: Section of the grave chamber | Querschnitt durch die Grabkammer
2021 © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Grafik: Ralph Eggers, Konzeption: Thimo J. Brestel.