Triangles: 329.3k
Vertices: 164.8k
More model informationInv. no. 70-462
Description: This Siceliot Hydria has a flaring foot, ovoid body, raised ridge at shoulder and neck, overhanging rim, double-reeded vertical handle, and horizontal loop handles at the widest point. Two matte black wavy lines between thin bands decorate the neck; above and below handles, a thick band between two thin bands; S-curves on the shoulder; three sets of two horizontal wavy lines between handles; horizontal strokes on vertical handle.
Date: 6th century BCE
Measurements (cm): H: 35 D: 28
This model was created using digital photogrammetry and RealityCapture. The artifact is housed in the Museo di Aidone in Sicily, Italy.
Oct 26th 2021