Triangles: 4.4k
Vertices: 2.2k
More model informationI Love Sketchfab
This was an iterative mini project while learning how to create multi pivot rotations in Blender I thought the multi-pivot rotations I was learning suited an animated Sketchfab logo idea, could be nice as a loading placeholder animation
This is how its rigged anyhoo:
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Aug 27th 2021
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
This is a trippy thing
@Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly its ok lol XD
@Luckyrblx ohhhhhh dohh! sorry was having a slow brain day
@Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly i like sketchfab
@Luckyrblx eh?
@Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly ME
I love The Fabs too!!
anyone else like sketchfabs?
I Love Sketchfab, THANKS :))