Indochinite Tektite | Tectit Indocinit3D ModelNoAI
Weithiau, mae’r egni a gynhyrchir gan wrthdrawiad meteorit yn ddigon mawr i doddi cramen y Ddaear. Mae defnynnau o graig dawdd yn cael eu hyrddio i’r awyr ac yn rhewi wrth ddisgyn, gan sgeintio defnynnau o wydr creigiog o’r enw tectitau ar yr ardal gyfagos. Indocinit yw enw hwn, wedi’i enwi ar ôl yr ardal lle canfuwyd tectitau tebyg. Mae tecticau’n edrych yn debyg i wydr folcanig, neu wydrfaen, ar yr wyneb – ond yn cael eu ffurfio mewn ffordd gwbl wahanol.
Sometimes the energy produced by a meteorite impact is sufficient to melt the Earth’s crust. The resulting droplets of molten rock are thrown high into the air and freeze as they fall, splattering the surrounding area with droplets of rock glass called tektites. This one is called an Indochinite, after the area in which similar tektites are found. Tektites look superficially similar to volcanic glass, or Obsidian, but are formed in a completely different way.