Updated 10/24/2020 New shader, new unity version, new package. If you have any issues with the model turning pink, reimport the shader: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases/download/V5.6/PoiToonShader5.6.8.unitypackage
Original character design belongs to Sukeban Games
Wanna see how I made this model? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGGvtDAFKNM&t=27s
Model includes the seen bartender outfit, pink nightgown, and red coat. Both the bartender and the pink nightgown outfits have varient meshes to fit inside the coat.
Included are the raw blend files, and unity package and all varients are full body vrchat ready.
Make sure your using the correct version of unity and have the vrchat sdk imported before you import this package. Prefabs of setup models can be found in Assets>models>avatars>Jill
There seems to be no unity package, just an FBX.
The model doesnt apply the shaders when I load it into a fresh Unity Project
I do not see the coat or t/shirt nightgown texture just the bar outfit
I thought this was "ready to upload to VRC"
This is the same as the pirated zip that was going around and I went to get the paid version expecting something more complete but am now just $20 poorer
I'm also seeing a script missing on Unity, any ideas?
Model looks amazing and very happy about the rig! But I need to ask if the .unitypackage is supposed to contain a premade Avatar Descriptor, because a script is missing and I don't know that stuff too well.
To those who buy the model for VRchat purposes and keep getting errors, I find that Vers 6.0110 of the shader fixes the problem.
idk how to upload her to vrchat ;-;
I want to use it with VRChat, but PoiToonShader 5.6.8 is not compatible with the current SDK, what should I do?
love how she looks at the camera(you) wherever you are! :D
I love it, use this to hang in the Va11-hall-a world in vrchat now.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great week
Fantastic work, you did a great job translating the game art of her into 3D! You mentioned the model would be available to purchase in one of your YT vids, when will that be? I'm interested in doing a 3D print of her as a miniature painting project.