GET High detail and ANIMATED CARTOONS PACK 3D models,
This is a 3D mega pack of a high-end photorealistic 3D models called MONSTERS CARTOONS PACK Animated
3 greats 3D Models in High Definition with an Impressive Animation Handling in all Programs
With some Overlapping textures and Materials of the highest quality
You can check the individual models of this PACK
DWONLOAD: Originally created with 3ds Max 2019 and saved as 3ds Max 2017 - BLENDER FILE 3.0 - UNITY - UNREAL - MAYA - C4D R19 -
RENDERER USED for the product imagery:
-CYCLES RENDER - Vray 3.60
- The Model is Multi functional with all the Programs among these, Blender, Iclone, Unity, 3dsmax, Unreal, Maya, C4D and many more
Please check out my other models, just click on my user name to see complete gallery RDAM STUDIO
Thank you for choosing my model, I hope you like it!
Rig Description
BLENDER 3.0 ‘Auto rig PRO’ ‘complet facial rig PRO’