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More model informationAt the former times, Pottery Art was decorated on the roof of the temple, and the color is very bright, at the year of 1938, it has won a special award at the World Exposition in Paris. Now, the Cochin Ceramic Art is not only decorated on the temple, but also the precious treasure Art of Taiwan. 陶器中的「交趾燒」原為明末清初在褔建或廣東一帶以塗上釉燒成的軟質陶器。 交趾陶在十八世紀傳入台灣,主要用在廟宇的裝飾藝術,台灣奇人葉麟趾有雕塑泥土的天份,也醉心於古釉方的研究與實驗,使台灣的交趾陶在藝術上的成就遠遠超過發源地。 交趾陶的製作過程繁瑣,製作者需兼具塑造、雕刻、繪畫與燒陶等技藝。
其作品表現釉色華麗、厚重, 造型大都取材於傳統故事人物或吉祥瑞獸,富有避邪迎祥的功能,經常作為國家致贈外賓的禮物。
Oct 1st 2015