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More model informationThe Kraken was a species of squid, which threatened ships in Nordic folklore. This cephalopod was the size of an island and a hundred tentacles, believed to have inhabited the deep waters of the Norwegian Sea, which separates Iceland from the Scandinavian lands, but could migrate throughout the North Atlantic. Kraken was reputed to destroy ships.
O Kraken era uma espécie de lula, que ameaçava os navios no folclore nórdico. Este cefalópode tinha o tamanho de uma ilha e cem tentáculos, acreditava-se que habitava as águas profundas do Mar da Noruega, que separa a Islândia das terras Escandinavas, mas poderia migrar por todo o Atlântico Norte. O Kraken tinha fama de destruir navios.