Kyanite eclogite3D ModelNoAI
Lithology: Coarse-grained eclogite with large red garnets, light green omphacite in the matrix and blue, elongated kyanite grains.
Origin: Eclogite is a bimineral metamorphic rock composed of garnets (mostly pyrope or Mg-rich almandine) and clinopyroxenes (omphacite - Na-Ca-Al-Mg-clinopyroxene). Plagioclase is always absent in eclogite. Other common minerals in eclogites are kyanite, rutile and quartz. Excess Al in the protolith, which cannot be incorporated into garnet and omphacite, crystallises in eclogite as kyanite.
Eclogite is formed by the transformation of gabbros or basalts during regional metamorphism under high to very high pressure and temperature conditions. Schematically, the transformation of gabbro or basalt rock into eclogite can be described by the following equation: olivine + labradorite + diopside = omphacite + garnet + quartz.
Locality: Pohorje, Slovenia
Dimensions: 6 x 4 cm
Inventory No.: none
3D model: Marko Vrabec. Description: Mirijam Vrabec