This 3D model shows Link, the heroic young soldier of Hyrule, tasked for eternity to slay the vile Ganon and protect his beloved princess Zelda. “The Legend of Zelda” was first created in 1986 by Nintendo, and has since robbed the hearts of millions. The series released 27 games, spans 13 game consoles, and sold over 125 million copies; making it one of the most popular game series. Link has since been made into an Amiibo. An Amiibo is a figurine with an NFC chip in it. The Amiibo has a double function: it serves as a collectible or nice decoration, but the Amiibo can also be used in combination with the Nintendo Switch. They provide new game modes, weapons, opponents, or boons in general. The NFC chip creates extra functionality and interactivity with both the game and the figurine as it was known prior to this use. The Amiibo is a prime example of a new trend in technology; making use of the phygital, or the combination of the digital and the physical. Created by Laura van Eden
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