A leica m6 with a Summicron 35mm f2 M mount The camera presents some surface imperfections- Technical info:
-28279 quads, with a total of 56674 triangles (Not reccomended for game-ready asset) The body presents 4k textures with some 2k maps They are 16 objects (not sure if sketchfab joins the objects later)
Huge thanks to Free3dTextureHD for the leather texture
All Textures are free for personal and commercial use. You are not allowed to sell the images alone or in packs. You are allowed to distribute them only if it’s included in your project (3d work , architecture , video games , web design, Photoshop art, wallpaper , background, graphic design ,videos, print …). You do not need to give a credit or attribution when you use them. You may not sell or claim ownership of these textures. **My patreon if you want to donate and support me (you will also get exclusive assets): https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82064625&fan_landing=true&view_as=public **
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution