Triangles: 62.4k
Vertices: 43.8k
More model informationMark IV was a British heavy tank of the First World War. It was first used in mid 1917 at the Battle of Messines Ridge. It remained in official British service until the end of the War, and a small number served briefly with other combatants afterwards. (Wikipedia)
Oct 25th 2017
i wish for a source for the puma or make the model downloadable please
Hi, is it for sale ? would like to use it in a educative program in Brussels. thanks
why this is not a staff pick? that work is great!!!!!
can you make mark4 but with a female version sir
Is this model downloadable
@dumb_username Thank you, i've totally missed that part :)
relay great model. but iv found 1 huge fault! the tanks right gun shud have the vision slit on the right of the gun and not on the left
Nice tank ! maybe a bit more rust will be good :)