The Matthewson House was a historic home located in Princeville, North Carolina. The home is dated to be constructed between 1870-1900 with several additions made in the 20th century. The floor plan is irregular for a Regional/Vernacular style home which provides evidence of expansion. Ornate architectural features were present throughout the house.
The Town of Princeville partnered with the private homeowner to extract major architectural features before the home was razed. During this process extensive video and photograph documentation was captured of the home. Measurements of the home were also taken to create a to scale floorplan. The photos, videos, and floorplan served as the foundation for the 3-D model of the Matthewson House. The Town of Princeville then collaborated with Professor David Hill with North Carolina State University’s Coastal Dynamic Design Lab to construct the 3D model. Michael Runge is the graduate student designer of the Matthewson House 3D Model.