Triangles: 25.3k
Vertices: 13.1k
More model informationMedieval food market booth.
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Nice! Thank you
@skullvez Awesome work, thanks for sharing the results! This is the way
Great job! I used this for fun in my Star Wars Mandalorina project I'm working on. ( ) I put you in the credits too. Keep up the killer work and thanks again! THIS IS THE WAY!

@christian.daly92 Thank you! I made the textures in Substance Painter using tri planar projection, so I just moved the projections around until the wicker fibers more or less aligned.
Hey great work!
How did you get the texture on the basket so seamless? its really good stuff :)
Thank you for sharing your work!
Nice work! However I cleaned up your categories a bit, see our guidelines:
Specifically I removed the Cultural Heritage & History category:
"Objects, artifacts and visualisations directly related to the history of life on Earth and intended for the education and instruction of viewers in the field of cultural heritage."
If you can add some historical & educational context (info, links to supporting evidence/material, images) to this model then please add it back to the CH&H category :)
@Madeele Thanks! :D
Cool! Love the lemon textures haha