Triangles: 107.3k
Vertices: 54.2k
More model informationSubject: In this Medieval series, I explore Europe to find doors, windows, walls and all other building blocks that look medieval, to add to your environment.
Location: Portugal / Europe
Resolution: Low Res Mesh Med Res Texture
Lighting: Cloudy diffused and even light High dynamic visibility No high or low clipping
Equipment: iPhone 14 Pro, Main Lens 42mp
Tech: Polycam, LiDAR scan
KEY: LR=Low Resolution (background asset) MR=Medium Resolution (Close Range asset) HR=High Resoltuion (VFX asset) LS=LiDAR Scan PS=Photogrammetry Scan
Contact me for original images, point clouds, re-export and high resolution exports of any format.
Nov 15th 2023
- abandoned
- ancient
- brick
- 3d-scan
- medieval
- urban
- vines
- entrance
- concrete
- broken
- heritage
- whimsical
- cracked
- old
- mossy
- forgotten
- granite
- archeological
- 3d-model
- restoration
- gateway
- derelict
- laser-scan
- game-asset
- overgrown
- decaying
- game-environment
- photo-scan
- middle_ages
- architecture
- photogrammetry
- stone
- world-building
- lidar_scan
- granite_brick
- through-way