This is a zafu: a round meditation pillow made out of cotton, filled with recycled fabric. It was produced by Kimjaly and sold at a Decathlon in the Netherlands for €25. It is 35 cm in diameter and weighs 1,5 kg. A zipper on the side allows the sleeve to be removed and washed.
Zafus originally came from China, but the word is Japanese and composed of “za” (座) meaning “seat,” and “fu” (蒲) meaning “reedmace,” the plant that provided the material traditionally used as the filling.
Sitting on an elevated surface allows the user to maintain a straightened back while meditation, avoiding back pain.
It’s original plain gray fabric was embroidered on both sides with symbols from the animated TV-show “Avatar the Last Airbender,” which aired from 2005-2007. One side depicts the four symbols representing the four elements–water, earth, fire, and air–in their corresponding colors. The other side depicts a white lotus tile from “Pai Sho,” a game played by characters in the show.
Created by: Marc, Boas
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