Triangles: 12k
Vertices: 6.4k
More model informationInclusion Unitypackage Ready for mobile and VR game
Package has been submitted using Unity 2018.4.8 (Supported Unity versions 2018.4.8 or higher)
Supported UE4 Engine Versions 4.21 - 4.24
include on zip : UE4 uproject / unitypackage / FBX
- 7 character and 42 different color prefab ready to use
- Golem (823 vertex)
- Stump (590 vertex)
- Bee (717 vertex)
- Mushroom (316 vertex)
- Leshy (1697 vertex)
- Rat (1278 vertex)
Wildboar (972 vertex)
Each character own 6 colors textures ( 2048x2048 png )
Each character own 11 basic animations
- Idle
- Walk
- Run
- Attack x2
- Damage x2
- Jump
- Stunned
- Die
- GetUp