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More model informationThe MT-LB (Russian: Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный, romanized: Mnogotselevoy tyagach legky bronirovanny, literally “multi-purpose towing vehicle light armored”) is a Soviet multi-purpose, fully amphibious, tracked armored fighting vehicle in use since the 1970s. It was also produced in Poland, where (starting in the mid-1990s) its YaMZ engine was replaced by a Polish 6-cylinder SW 680 diesel engine.
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i bought the MTLB now thanks
when can you get the sea harrier uploaded for sale
really need this bird
thankks mk1234
@mk1234mmm It's the same MTLB, you can tell from the damage to the front left wing is identical on both. I scanned the tall green APC with the AT missiles. It's a Spartan MCT. I managed to get a lot of the interior of that one. I think I scanned the same Cheiftain too, it's from Armourgeddon in Northampton. The AV8 is an FA2. The scan didn't come out that great so I'll probably go do that one again next week. The Canberra is on the way. I also scanned a Ferret armoured car and an AT cannon.
i did ask tim douglas when i bought his cheiftain and tow launcher from his art station store
if he could sell the MTLB and the Green apc fv 4xxx
but he said he couldnt because it was tied into the licence of the pc squad game
they used the scans to make a block out to add new upgrade armoured parts to tjhe original design
but its great youve done these 3d scans to make the those vehicle avalible for sale
actually the tall apc armoured vehicle might be a tow launcher vehcile
i should be buying this model around about this sunday monday time
i think it might have originally come from bovingdon tank museum
as i saw a pic of the tall apc in the middle before it was resprayed new
and it looks exactly the same as the 3d scan i bought from3d games designer for squad pc game tim douglas on art station
check this link
in the mean time see if you can get the canberra and AV8 uploaded to your store