Triangles: 2.5k
Vertices: 1.9k
More model informationThe NES was released after the “video game crash” of the early 1980s, whereupon many retailers and adults had regarded electronic games as being merely a passing fad and many believed at first that the NES was another fad. Before the NES/Famicom, Nintendo was known as a moderately successful Japanese toy and playing card manufacturer, and the popularity of the NES/Famicom helped the company grow into an internationally recognized name almost synonymous with video games as Atari had been during the 2600 era.
Can you create a ZIP file and upload that, as opposed to an OBJ? Otherwise, you could just post a link to the texture that you're hosting someplace else. Or ask someone who works here, there has to be a solution. Sorry I can't be more help, I'd really love to get my hands on the maps for this luscious model...
To be honest yes, but i don't know how to include it, i believe there is an issue where if you add the textures by hand and don't upload it with a 3rd party program such as substance the textures are not included if you know a way around this that would be highly appreciated.
Did you intend to omit the texture and .mat file?