Dendy or Dandy is a game console, an unofficial hardware clone of the third generation Famicom console (in the US and Europe known as the Nintendo Entertainment System) of the Japanese company Nintendo. The basis of Dendy was laid Japanese hardware design and format of the cartridge, somewhat different from the American one. Dendy was manufactured from the end of 1992 by Steepler [1], assembled in Taiwan from Chinese components ordered by Steepler and was distributed in the republics of the former USSR, especially in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Since NES was never officially sold in the post-Soviet space, Dendy, which was widely distributed and affordable, at one time gained great popularity.
The name Dendy in the former USSR actually became synonymous with the Nintendo Entertainment System and Famicom. Even the prefixes “Kenga” and “Sjubor”, compatible and appeared later, were called just “Dandy”.