Triangles: 2.8k
Vertices: 1.4k
More model informationThis model is inspired by the concept of Christian Templars, Norse Vikings, with a Chinese Yin and Yang charm attached at the pommel of the sword. The idea behind this model is a concept of balance being, what I believe, the most powerful force in life where there cannot be ‘good’ without ‘bad’ or ’ light’ without ‘dark’. Here, I use Norse and Templars as opposing powers with the charm and the symbol of this concept of balance. The runes on the blade read Life and Death, translated from english using a translator ( I used these Norse runes and the Templar Cross in unison as a symbol of balance; that 2 opposing forces can unify and work together.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Sep 30th 2022
Suggested 3D Models