Triangles: 1.3M
Vertices: 661.9k
More model informationA model of one of four 10m long trial trenches excavated in the Spring of 2021 around the former Weymouth & Portland Borough Council offices and in an area that was once the location of the High Street and historic core of Weymouth.
This trench (Trench 2) was positoned along the North Quay frontage over the site of a possible Georgian building, elements of which appear to have been used as part of a series of ancilllary buldings associated with a 1930s expansion of an existing garage business on the corner of North Quay.
The 3D model was created by Context One through Agisoft Metashape using overhead photos of the trench taken at 1m intervals.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Oct 23rd 2021