Triangles: 125k
Vertices: 62.5k
More model informationGenerated using Agisoft PhotoScan from 80 images.
Ancient Greek oenochoe (IV - III B.C.) from the museum exposition of Historical-Archeological Preserve “Kalos Limen”, Chernomorskoe, Crimea (
Dec 2nd 2014
Hello GINZA,
We are planning to create some tutorials related to the turntable scenario, but basically the general requirement is to create the masks for all the images to cover the static background. Then you'll be able to align all the images in the single chunk, thus avoiding chunk merging operation.
So beautiful! Is it possible to upload a videa teaching how to merge chunks of this vassel?
Hello PadreZippo,
There were some shots taken from above, so partially the vessel neck has been partially reconstructed by software, but filled up on some level, due to lack of information of the vessel interior.
It's nice. Was the inside capped off manually, or as a natural result of the photo reconstruction?