Ollantaytambo Archaeological Site3D Model
Ollantaytambo is a village in the Sacred Valley of Urubamba, Peru, set on the Urubamba River amid snow-capped mountains. It’s known for the archaelogical ruins, a massive Inca fortress with large stone terraces on a hillside. Major sites within the complex include the Sun Temple and the Princess Bath’s fountain. (Source: Google)
- Generator: DEM Net Elevation API
- Digital Elevation Model: AW3D30 OpenTopography
- Imagery: MapBox Satellite
References: J. Takaku, T. Tadono, K. Tsutsui : Generation of High Resolution Global DSM from ALOS PRISM, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp.243-248, Vol. XL-4, ISPRS TC IV Symposium, Suzhou, China, 2014. T.Tadono, H.Ishida, F.Oda, S.Naito, K.Minakawa, H.Iwamoto : Precise Global DEM Generation By ALOS PRISM, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp.71 - 76, Vol.II - 4, 2014.
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