Triangles: 23.8k
Vertices: 11.9k
More model informationRing-shaped earthenware product (excavated from Irie Shell Mound: middle Jomon period, about 4,500 years ago) This is a tool that I don’t know how to use. The clay is made into a circle like a doughnut, and detailed patterns are drawn on it. Is it an accessory? Or is it a tool for spell casting? It is a mysterious relic.
環状土製品 (入江貝塚出土:縄文中期約4,500年前) 使い方のわからない道具です。粘土をドーナッツのように輪にして、細かい文様を描いています。アクセサリーか?それともおまじないの道具か?謎の遺物です。