Petrified Wood. Hoover Wilderness- Burt Canyon3D Model
12”x10”x6” awesome chunk of petrified wood found eroded out of nearby volcanic breccia (result of a lahar) of the Relief Peak formation. The lava flows and mud flows flooded the paleocanyons carved into the granites and metamorphic roof pendants of the early Sierra about 10.8 million years ago as the Walker Lane initiated. This chunk of wood was part of a forest growing in a paleocanyon that was then run over by the breccias and preserved. Modern erosion from glaciations have exposed the contact between the granites and Relief Peak Fmt. This piece of wood was found in a talus pile on a steep slope next to a small solid outcrop of the Relief Peak Fmt. Specimen was moved about 20m to the solid outcrop to make the scan. I didn’t have enough water to properly clean off the mud.
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