@brock1234 Hi! Thank you for the request, I will propably not make another version. This version was made as an inside joke (hence the phoney inscription on the brass plate) and I'd rather devote time to other projects. I'm very happy you like this one, though :)
@Syphonaptera Hi there. Seems strange - it's set for downloadable for free. I suggest maybe contacting Sketchfab, or have a look at the troubleshooting page. I hope it'll work for you!
@brock1234 Hi! Thank you for the request, I will propably not make another version. This version was made as an inside joke (hence the phoney inscription on the brass plate) and I'd rather devote time to other projects. I'm very happy you like this one, though :)
can you make a artillary Pickelhaube please
WOW! Bravo!
@Syphonaptera Hi there. Seems strange - it's set for downloadable for free. I suggest maybe contacting Sketchfab, or have a look at the troubleshooting page. I hope it'll work for you!
I can't download this helmet!
these are such amazing models incredible detail too. Love what you did with them! btw will they be up for download by any chance?