Triangles: 826.9k
Vertices: 405.7k
More model informationThe PK (Russian: Пулемёт Калашникова, transliterated as Pulemyot Kalashnikova, or “Kalashnikov’s machine gun”), is a 7.62×54mmR general-purpose machine gun designed in the Soviet Union and currently in production in Russia. The original PK machine gun was introduced in 1961 and then the improved PKM in 1969 to replace the SGM and RP-46 machine guns in Soviet service. It remains in use as a front-line infantry and vehicle-mounted weapon with Russia’s armed forces.
Apr 16th 2021
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400K vertices bro?
@oxxxxxygen I will ! Tnx bro !
@brankoarma2 sure
but make topology first
WOW BRO ! Can i use this model in my own game ? :D
@noiarentbreosh I'm sorry but its gonna be pc only but maybe in the future, nobody knows :D
@withondra sounds nice, maybe Mobile support????

@noiarentbreosh hi man, my team and I working on currently small vietnam war videogame. If you want to watch our journey, in like 3 weeks we will be sharing some content from game, behind the scenes etc. on Instagram and Tik tok. ig: novaverse.studios
@withondra hi dam what game I'm curious
@withondra You can, of course, use this model in the game. But if I were you, I would reduce the number of polygons...
Hello, I'm just wondering if i could use your PKM in my future multiplayer shooter game, because it's just perfect and exatly what I'm looking for? I would give you credits and some advantages in the game :D
If you would accept it, I would be very thankful for it
@AlienCrow Yes, you can use this model)
Great model & textures!
Can I use for it for a free FPS I'm developing for
I'll credit you for it's use of course! :3