Procesijski križ, bronca, pozlata, Sisak, 12. st.
inv. br. S-1992; razvijeni srednji vijek; romanika
vis. 12,6 cm; šir. 7,5 cm; tež. 21,905 g
Reljefni prikaz okrunjenog, raspetog ali i živog Krista koji svojim stavom i široko otvorenim očima prkosi i pobjeđuje smrt (Christus triumphans). Izrađevina je to nastala u poznatim romaničkim radionicama u Limoges-u u Francuskoj, a u hrvatskim krajevima bio je i ostao jedinim nalazom te vrste. Na osnovu ikonografskih i stilskih obilježja valja ga smatrati proizvodom druge polovine 12. st.
Processional cross, bronze, gilt, Sisak, 12th cent. A relief portrayal of the crowned, crucified, but still alive Christ, who through his position and wide-open eyes defies and defeats death (Christus triumphans). It was created in the famous Romanesque workshops of Limoges in France, and it has remained the only find of this kind in Croatia. On the basis of the iconographic and stylistic characteristics, it should be considered a product of the second half of the 12th century.