Triangles: 142k
Vertices: 76.6k
More model informationStarfighter made of various elements from other sci fi material and some bits of my own.
5 materials. As the glass uses the same textures as Part A but subtance was not displaying it correctly. So can be made 4 materials in a 3d program if you combine the glass with Part A section. 4096 textures AO, DIFFUSE, ROUGH, METAL, NORMAL, EMISSIVE, and one OPACITY for the glass.
Texture sets are named. Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D
Simple animation added just for show. Feel free to make your own.
Two versions of the mesh are included 1. The version shown is not triangulated so that people can edit it if they want to and make their own version. Saves them having to delete all the triangles. 2. A triangulated FBX without any animations.
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