Replica Metate (Catalog # 2002:226.162), a part of the Michigan State University Museum’s Archaeology Teaching Collection. Created by Toby Morrow, this tool is made out of a large stone cobble shaped through pecking and grinding. Metates functioned as large grinding stones, on top of which grains like maize were ground by hand into flour. Some flour can still be seen on this model. The grinding itself was done with the help of a Mano, or a smaller stone which was held in the hand and rubbed against the metate (see annotation).
Dimensions: approximately 31cm L x 19.3cm W x 8cm T, weight= 5783.3g
This 3D model was created by Jeff Painter using an Artec Space Spider and Artec Studio 14 Professional, in partnership with the MSU Digital Heritage Imaging and Innovation (DHI) Lab.
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