Another unique character that I wanted to revise for a long time - Nightwolf’s got lots of potential, revenant plotline aside, and I think he could bring so much more to the story. His design isn’t changed so much as enhanced here, with a stronger color scheme and more realistic face and body. I do like his original version, but it was in need of an upgrade, I think; he deserves a nice vivid outfit. And there are so many ways he could be introduced back into the story! Technical details: -Diffuse repainted and norm/spec maps created new. Skin tone and texture adjusted for realistic look, muscle details painted in. Face lightly resculpted, armature changed to A-pose and a balanced stance. All the usual tweaks and fixes that I do to my other models, as well. -Color scheme enhanced & surface textures added throughout entire model. His palette is now dark red, turquoise, brown, and light grey. MK has always had distinctive character color schemes, so I wanted to give him one, too.
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