@matias029 actully lets play roblox if you have a roblox account my username is scratch_catol / sonic_hedgehog because i have sonic as my display name LOL
@matias029 ok thanks for telling me it's good for use dude meet me in game if you wanna play in not online rn but what you wanna play with me when I'm online just come call me on discord
@matias029 what?????? also can you give me this skin for vrchat and make it working so you can give it to me so i can troll ok thanks but the first model i have is what i want you to work with ok
@matias029 hello?
@matias029 how's it going with the model?
@BlueChaosRing i will try
can you make him look like this lol twitter.com/KenPenders/status/8891665368... sorry if I'm using twitter :[
@matias029 can you make Ken Penders sonic its funny buts scary LOL please?
@TonkoBanjo yes, I create my models in blender
@matias029 did you make the model in blender or not????
@xboxoen82 yeah
3d model (in a cool way)
@AkramTheBear no, I made the 3d model in blender (although it seems that I did it in paint 3d, I did not do it in blender)
i can tell the model is made in paint 3d
@matias029 actully lets play roblox if you have a roblox account my username is scratch_catol / sonic_hedgehog because i have sonic as my display name LOL
@datsonicperson ok
@matias029 ok thanks for telling me it's good for use dude meet me in game if you wanna play in not online rn but what you wanna play with me when I'm online just come call me on discord
@Sironius.siren-head10928 sketchfab.com/3d-models/bob-friday-night...
@datsonicperson obviously no problem use it in vrchat if you want
@matias029 also username is sonicthehedgpog @matias029 if i have to give you my vrchat password its worth it
@matias029 what?????? also can you give me this skin for vrchat and make it working so you can give it to me so i can troll ok thanks but the first model i have is what i want you to work with ok

@Sironius.siren-head10928 ok
*3d modeling in a cool way*
HELL YEH B) Also can u make Bob next