The Sanday wreckage is on the move. Experts believe it’s been buried under the sand for centuries and, like Skara Brae, it’s been uncovered by winter storms. Now, the large fragment of hull has been turned around by the sea and dropped lower in the tide line, raising concerns it could be damaged or lost altogether in future rough conditions. Author Mark Porter, who’s studied similar ships, has offered some initial thoughts based on the photos he’s seen: 1: the vessel was almost certainly built in England 2: the close spacing of the timbers indicates that she is quite possibly a warship 3: she dates from the early to middle years of the 17th century (1600-1650ish) Or possibly even from late Elizabethan times. Thanks to Sanday residents David Walker for the information and Jonathan Hines for the video
This 3D model has been made from the screen captured video of the Facebook page of BBC Radio Orkney\
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