The Santa Maria de Vallsanta monastery is an old Cistercian female convent located near Guimerà, in Catalonia. . The construction of the monastery began in 1235 and was intended to replace that of Santa Maria de la Bovera which was in bad condition due to a lack of water. The community, composed of twenty-three nuns, moved in 1249 with Agnès de Guimerà as its first abbess. In 1267 the construction was already completed. In 1348 the monastery was affected by a plague epidemic that decimated the community.
A new epidemic ravaged the monastery in 1403, reducing it to the mother abbess, a mother prioress, a sexton, and two sisters. In 1589 the monastery was in complete decay; it had only three nuns, no abbess, and debts were piling up. After the abandonment of the religious activity, the building was left in ruins.
Thanks to Scott Mcavoy (CHEI-UCSD).
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