Bacchus was a love child, the result of one of Zeus’ many extramarital affairs with women of lowly mortal birth. In this case, it was the Theban princess Semele that caught Zeus’ eye. Being that Zeus is arguably the horniest of the Gods on Olympus, he decided to eve’s drop on Semele by disguising himself as an eagle (he would often turn himself into various animals for the purpose of seducing women). Zeus was smitten and his extramarital affair culminated in Semele’s pregnancy. That baby would grow to become Bacchus (or Dionysus), the god of wine, fruit, orchards, music, dance, fertility, theatre, sex, etc. In other words, he really liked drama and a good party. Here is a depiction of Bacchus’ (or Dionysus’) entourage, also known as the Thaisus, making their way to India to convert the non-believing Indian people. What better way than sending the son of God as your messenger? Like Jesus’ followers, Bacchus’ devotees believed wine was his blood.