Triangles: 3.3k
Vertices: 1.8k
More model informationQuesto è un modello di Saturno realizzato come test durante il workshop “Realizzazione di modelli 3D interattivi e in realtà virtuale: introduzione a ParaView e Sketchfab” a cura di Salvatore Orlando nell’ambito del progetto PRIN INAF “VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY FOR SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH”.
This is a test model of Saturn made during the workshop “Creation of interactive 3D models and virtual reality: introduction to Paraview and Sketchfab” by Salvatore Orlando as part of the project PRIN INAF “VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY FOR SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH”.
Credits: L. Leonardi, Nasa.
CC Attribution-NonCommercialCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Nov 23rd 2021