Triangles: 223.6k
Vertices: 144.8k
More model informationFInally finished my Macross mecha! Had to celebrate with a diorama of all the UN Spacy Mecha I had made so far. All made in VR with Google Blocks
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Mar 2nd 2018
@kiflar thanks! Still my fav anime
This is great. I loved this show!
@EggMan28 amazing! best use of my models so far! thanks for doing that and for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your awesome work ! Have added VF-1J and SDF-1 as mods to Microsoft Flight Simulator here -
OMG this is EPIC!!!
This is awesome!
@tipatat thanks for the model! I made a quick cleanup and animation and uploaded it here
I had to merge a lot of the polygons and change the object hierarchy to make the animation simpler. I also accidentally auto-smoothed the entire mech, I had only intended to do that for the cylindrical and tubular objects but whoops.
Being able to see your model up close really makes me appreciate the work you put into the model, all the little details (ironically for a low-res build) that otherwise would have been just ignored. Really good work, sir!
@ArcFlash i would love to see it rigged and animated. if you want to do that, use this version (I ad to make some adjustments for attack mode)
beautiful! she's just waiting to be animated!
Another great work.