Lithology: Serpentinite consists of serpentine minerals (antigorite, chrysotile, lizardite), bastite (pseudomorphosis of antigorite after orthopyroxene) and some magnetite, chlorite, and Mg-chromite.
Origin: Serpentinization is a low-T metamorphic process in which anhydrous Fe-Mg silicates (pyroxenes, olivines) are hydrated to form serpentine minerals. Often magnetite (if the protolith contains sufficient Fe) or brucite (if sufficient Mg is present) is also formed. The simplified reaction of serpentinite formation is: forsterite + water = serpentine + brucite. The reaction releases a considerable amount of heat (≈290 kJ/kg forsterite). Complete serpentinization leads to a considerable increase in rock volume (almost 50 %), a decrease in density (from ~3.3 to 2.7 g/cm3) and a significant change in the rheology, magnetic properties, and porosity of the rock.
Locality: Zg. Bistrica, Pohorje, Slovenia
Inventory No.: 14428
3D model: Marko Vrabec. Description: Mirijam Vrabec